Seattle, WA

Team Leads:

Dr. Kathryn Kuehl is an assistant professor for Washington State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and the Director of Veterinary Health at the One Health Clinic in Seattle which is a marriage of clinical inter-professional communication and hands-on service learning.   She and her team figure out the best options they can offer to “first do no harm” and improve quality of life for patients and their families. In the case of outreach work including SDC clinics, she strives to maintain the human-animal bond while guiding veterinary students through unique, challenging and rewarding clinical experiences.

Vickie Ramirez

Vickie Ramirez coordinates, does outreach, and conducts research and evaluation for the One Health Clinic (OHC) in Seattle. As a medical anthropologist by training, she explores ways to reduce barriers to healthcare in those communities with the least access. With the OHC team, Vickie helps support national and international organizations trying to replicate the One Health Clinic model in their communities. She is based out of the Center for One Health Research at the University of Washington.

Jess Charlton

Photo and bio coming soon.

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