Rogue Valley, OR

Team Leads:

Leanne Kline

Dr. Leanne Kline came to Veterinary Medicine after careers in the Air Force and Engineering. She has finally found her true passion. The goal of the new Rogue Valley Chapter is to establish ourselves and improve the quality of life for the pets of this underserved community. Her interests are traveling, reading and working with Habitat for Humanity.

Laurie Cuddy

Laurie is a life-long animal lover. When not caring for her own menagerie of special needs animals, she works tirelessly as president of Rogue Valley Street Dogs, a local nonprofit that funds and facilitates free spay and neuter and provides resources for unhoused pet guardians and people living in poverty to care for the health and well-being of their beloved dogs and cats.

Partners & Resources:

Rogue Retreat
Rogue Valley Street Dogs

Photo Gallery:

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