Pomona, CA

Team Lead:

Rhea Hanselmann, DVM, MPVM, PhD

I graduated from the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in 2005 and joined Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine as Assistant Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology in 2018. My professional and personal interests are diverse but united by a love of people, animals, and the natural beauty around us. In 2021, my students told me about Dr. Geller and inspired me to partner with The Street Dog Coalition to expand accessible veterinary care programs in our university’s home community, Pomona, CA. My goal for the WesternU-SDC partnership is to maximize the positive impact we have on our community and to encourage the next generation of veterinarians to do the same.

Contact Us:

Google Voice: (909) 766-2608